Watch Out for Those Holiday Foods That Stain Your Teeth by Dr. Rick Rodig

added on: December 12, 2012

The holidays in Modesto are filled with colors, and so are holiday foods! At parties, in our workplace, at home—holiday treats are everywhere, but some foods are more likely to stain your teeth.

Here are some of the top foods you might encounter during the holiday season that can leave your smile less than white:

  • Berries: Whether they’re in pies or all by themselves, those lovely blueberries, raspberries, cherries, and cranberries have healthy antioxidants, but can stain your white teeth the color of Christmas lights!
  • Red wine: The darker the wine, the more it can stain your teeth. Keep a glass of water nearby, and periodically take a few sips.
  • Artificially colored gum and candy, nuts: It’s the holidays, we all want to treat ourselves just a little! But even breath-freshening gum can leave unsightly food stains on your teeth, not to mention candy, even chocolate!

And of course, cigarettes and cigars, besides being general health hazards, can also leave ugly stains on your teeth, ruining a beautiful smile.

If you’re in the Modesto, Riverbank, Oaksdale, or surrounding areas, call our Modesto dental office at (209) 524-5044 during or after the holidays for a regular checkup (or maybe a Zoom!2 tooth whitening treatment to start the new year!

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